SLA & Work Order Monitoring
A well-known UK food retailer was experiencing two major issues with their refrigeration maintenance program. Firstly, they did not have a complete picture of work orders being raised across their estate, as their data was too disjointed to provide useful analysis. Secondly, engineering costs were rising without any understanding of why.
The customer has four servicing contractors operating on the estate, all reporting in different ways. This made it difficult for the teams to understand if they were receiving value for money from the contracts they had in place.
The client wanted to get a clear, estate-wide understanding of total work orders raised per site, reduce the number of repeat orders and effectively track the performance of the company’s four contractors against their contractual SLAs. The data shown within this case study compares numbers from March 2019 (shortly after LoweConex was deployed) and the same month in 2020.
The Results
After 12 months of targeting improvements based on the data, using rule-based logic and AI-driven fixes applied directly to the refrigeration, the customer has seen a dramatic improvement across all three of the metrics. Average work orders per contractor per site fell across the board in March 2020.
An estate-wide average reduction of 49% in work orders per site.
The Results
After 12 months the percentage of repeat orders per contract has reduced by an average of 10% in all but one [(contractor 4)]. The most dramatic fall has been contractor 1, who across the board was the worst performing prior to LoweConex being deployed.
The final set of results showsis the overall ‘out of compliance SLA’ percentages.
The Results
There have been reductions in 3 out of the 4 contractors, with the most dramatic again coming from contractor 1 who has made huge strides in the quality of service being provided to the customer.
LoweConex has driven costs down, improved contractor transparency and performance, leading to increased up-time and a reduction in maintenance costs.