Scalable Technology for Estate-Wide Control

Centralised Data Platform (CDP)

We provide your business with a Centralised Data Platform to ingest any datapoint across your organisation. Our software connects scattered and lost data in your business, visualises asset performance and uses remote control to change physical environments at scale.

LoweConex ultimately reduces energy consumption, costs and helps users in driving a sustainable and profitable business estate.

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Connect to every asset

LoweConex Software connects to your existing BMS, hardware controllers, or other software systems and automatically pulls and standardises required performance data together in to one centralised database.

Visualise Estate and Asset Performance

Using our Device Graphing tool, you can graph all of your telemetry points that flow in to the system, overlaying multiple devices to better understand device performance.

Automate Estate and Asset Management

During onboarding, our expert team will work with you to optimise your asset controls, setting rule-based automation that will roll out in scale across every location in your estate. Our rules will then continuously automate processes moving forward, keeping your energy reduction efforts standardised and constantly controlled.

Control your Estate Remotely

Business sites optimised, you can then continue to control every location in your business remotely, pushing signals to change temperature setpoints, lighting or turn systems off completely at set times. Get live alerts to faults and actualise change instantly through LoweConex, reducing the need for engineer or technician callouts to site.

Hardware Agnostic

Universal connectivity as standard. Designed with flexibility at the fore, LoweConex is an open protocol platform with integrated and flexible APIs that connect to and collect data from any source. Ideal for retailers with legacy estates and existing infrastructure to optimise established frameworks and repurpose outdated hardware.

Real-time Reporting

With real-time data integration, a suite of automated reports collates and presents your data in an easy to read and shareable format. Providing up-to-date insights that allow retailers to make informed decisions, meet sustainability compliance requirements and demonstrate delivered savings.

Refrigeration Monitoring

Managing refrigeration assets in real-time remotely is essential for large retailers, pharmaceutical, industrial manufacturing and public sector organisations. LoweConex software provides users with automated control capability for their entire refrigeration fleet on one single view.

HVAC Monitoring

Energy consumption in your HVAC assets drives costs and carbon throughout the business estate. By regulating your HVAC usage over time, you can lower your energy consumption and your business environmental impact, driving strong profitability all while fulfilling sustainable business objectives. LoweConex makes it simple to automate and streamline the data capture, monitoring and control process with our HVAC Control solutions.

Predictive Maintenance and Breakdown Reduction

When assets in your estate become faulty or breakdown it can lead to hefty costs for your organisation and directly hit the bottom line. LoweConex uses machine learning and AI to analyse the historic performance of your assets, and predict when they are likely to incur faults in the future. With the latest technology in estate management get ahead of faults before they occur, reduce the need for work orders and stay compliant with regulatory requirements.

Reduce Energy Consumption and Costs

As you continuously optimise and improve automation through our machine learning capabilities your business will achieve previously unmet energy reduction, efficiency, and cost reduction across the board. With one solution, achieve your business goals in sustainability and cost-reduction faster.

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connected assets worldwide.

0 sq.ft

impacted by our technology.

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of energy saved.

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Datapoints Managed

See how our Software could work for you!

LoweConex is loved and trusted by some of the biggest names in retail, hospitality, property management, industrial manufacturing and public sector. Get in touch with us to see how it could work for you!

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